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1 March 2005 Movement Paths of Displaced Northern Green Frogs (Rana clamitans melanota)
Gayle L. Birchfield, Joseph E. Deters
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Understanding movement behavior and habitat use is critical for determining how land-use changes affect wildlife. We conducted an experimental study of terrestrial movement paths by displaced adult Northern Green Frogs on a central Missouri golf course. Fluorescent pigments were used to examine habitat use by frogs released at the convergence of three habitat types. Frogs tended to choose the least resistant habitat available, avoiding forested habitats during movements. Although frogs may be conspicuous at urban and suburban ponds, populations may decline even when provided with adequate breeding habitat if the surrounding terrestrial habitats become increasingly less suitable for migration and terrestrial activity.

Gayle L. Birchfield and Joseph E. Deters "Movement Paths of Displaced Northern Green Frogs (Rana clamitans melanota)," Southeastern Naturalist 4(1), 63-76, (1 March 2005).[0063:MPODNG]2.0.CO;2
Published: 1 March 2005
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